Why Organization Is So Important
Jun 05, 2019
Do you struggle with organization? If so, you’re not alone. I googled “organization tips” the other and found almost 10 million results. Now, I want to warn you, as you begin reading this blog, that I am a highly organized individual. That is, for someone that has six kids! I love organization. I love getting things done quickly, getting a lot of things done, and keeping everything clean and together. However, I am aware that in many ways I am a different bird. Most people aren’t like me, but I want to take some time to explain why it is important for each of us to grow in organization. Even if you would consider yourself as the “worst” organizer, there is room to grow that could affect your life and the lives of others. In this blog, we will first take a look at a definition of organization, before looking at the motivation behind growth in organization, and then I will provide a few tips for getting started.
Defining Organization
First off, what is meant by organization? A quick internet search produces the following definitions…
- The structure or arrangement of related or connected items.
- An efficient and orderly approach to tasks.
When I refer to organization, I am thinking about what we do, how we do it, what we have, and how we manage it. Are we doing the best things in the best way? Are we managing what we have in the best way?
Our Motivation
Now this is the kicker! Here is how I would break down the population when it comes to organization…
Group #1 - The “Non-Gifted”
If you are in this group, you are unorganized, claim that you are just not gifted at organization, and don’t try to get better. There are a few CEO's who might fall in this category!
Group #2 – The Oblivious
If you are reading this blog wondering what the point of organization is or why it even matters, then this state of mind may be yours. These individuals may not be self-aware of how unorganized they are.
Group #3 – The Average
This group is not made up of your most organized individuals, but they are aware of organization and would like to grow in it.
Group #4 – The Obsessed
So, this is where I fall. These folks love organization and are constantly wanting to get better and better. Some may re-organize what’s already organized for entertainment or to gain a sense of immediate gratification. (My unorganized CEO from Group #1 added this last statement to poke fun at people like myself!)
Now, back to motivation. The motivation for organization should be the same for each of these groups. I know it sounds crazy, but its true! Matt Perman, in his book what’s best next, explains, “One of the best places for efficiency is being efficient with things so that you can be effective with people.”
His book has a general premise that we need to be organized, effective and efficient in order to best love God and others. You see, organization is not just a gifting or something that only a few should pursue. We should all be looking at our lives and looking at what we are doing and how we are doing it. We should all be looking at what God has given us and how we are managing it. If we are doing the wrong things or if we are doing the right things inefficiently, then we are wasting time that could be spent serving and loving God and others. If we possess the wrong things or manage them inefficiently then we could be wasting resources and time that could be used to serve and love God and others.
Organization matters. It creates time and resources to love God and others!
Organization Tips
I know this is what you may really be looking for! Here are four organization tips that may be able to free you up to love God and love others better. Even my CEO liked these!
Tip #1: Ask Two Questions
When looking at all the things that you are doing daily, ask two questions of all the tasks that you engage in…
- Is what I am about to do going to glorify God? If the answer to this one is “no,” then don’t do it.
- What am I going to do with the information or content I am about to consume? If the answer to this one is “nothing,” then don’t do it.
These questions and answers will begin getting you to think critically about all the things you are doing. There may be some things that God desires to push out of your life altogether or to alter in some way or another.
Tip #2: Change Two Things on Your Phone
Look at your phone when you have a few minutes and do two things…
- Delete Apps – Sort through all the apps that you don’t need or use and delete them from your phone. The less clutter the better.
- Turn Off Notifications – Go into the settings on your device and turn off notifications for everything that is not necessary. You, not others, should be in control of your phone. I even found it helpful to turn off the little red circle on my email icon that showed how many unread messages were in my inbox!
Tip #3: Clean Up Your Email
A few weeks ago, my wife had finally had enough of an inbox with hundreds of emails in it. She asked for some tips, and here is what I gave her…
- View your email as a to-do list. Once you accomplish something, get rid of it.
- Try your best not to read an email twice! Only check your email when you are ready to do something or accomplish something with your email.
- Unsubscribe! Unsubscribe! Unsubscribe! Get rid of every possible thing that you don’t need. Don’t let marketers take over your inbox.
- Trash everything you don’t need.
- Archive everything that you may want to revisit.
Tip #4: Know Your Priorities
Do you know your priorities? This is the most important aspect of organization. Without priorities, you could be doing things and managing things well, but not doing or managing the right things. At Unstatus Your Quo®, we have developed a process for helping individuals clarify their purpose and take action to fulfill that purpose. This process helps individuals identify their priorities and live more organized and fulfilling lives. Start Session #1 of the Unstatus Your Quo® Growth Plan for FREE by clicking HERE.