Daily Bible Reading: 5 Small Steps to Success
Feb 27, 2019
Do you want to read the Bible every day?
There is no greater habit that you can develop than to meet with God through His Word daily. A previous survey by Barna Research Group showed, however, that only 18 percent of "born-again Christians" actually read the Bible every day.
So the question is, “Why don’t more people consistently read the Bible?”
Here are just a few of the common reasons for why we don’t read the Bible consistently…
- I don’t have enough time.
- I don’t know where to start.
- I can’t stay focused.
- I don’t understand the Bible.
- I don’t see how it really applies to the purpose of my life.
- I did my Bible reading plan for a while, but I missed some days, felt discouraged, and never resumed.
Reading the Bible consistently can be viewed as hard work, unless it is a habit. For us to make reading the Bible a habit, we must start with a small step--not the norm when it comes to Bible reading plans. This past January, many Christians started on a year-long Bible reading plan that few will complete. New Year’s resolutions fail 92% of the time. I am not saying that reading through the Bible in a year is a bad thing. In fact, that is a fantastic goal! I am saying that we each need to realize where we are and start small. Do something but start small so progress and success are achievable. Give yourself some grace along the way to miss some days and then pick up where you left off.
So, for those of you that struggle to read your Bible daily, here are five small steps to get you started that could change your life.
Step #1: Select a Time
When is a time every day that you can start to read the Bible and pray? It may be in the morning after you make coffee or during your lunch break. Whenever you first start, you do not need a lot of time, say 10 minutes, and make it short enough so that it will be very easy to succeed. At this point, it is more important to form the habit of starting to read than it is to read for long periods of time. More on this later.
Step #2: Identify a Place
Where you study God's Word is also important. It needs to be quiet and away from distractions.
Step #3: Determine a Prompt
This is huge and missed by so many! What is going to trigger or prompt you to read the Bible each day at the particular time you selected? Your best strategy is to prompt yourself to follow a current habit. For example, place your Bible next to the coffee maker so that you will see it as a reminder after you make your morning cup. You’ll take your coffee and Bible to the quiet place you selected. There are other prompts that can work but make it your own. No one prompt is right for everyone.
Step #4: Start with a Devotional that Leads to Prayer
Studying the Word of God is not always the easiest to jump into because of the context and storyline behind each book and chapter. If you aren't consistently reading, then you probably lack the knowledge or confidence to jump right in and understand what you are reading. So, let's start small with a devotional that will help you with the interpretation of what you are reading and does not take much time. If you need a suggestion, go with My Upmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers or Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman.
A devotional is not the end game, but it will help you get started and gain confidence. As you read the devotional—really read it. Slow down, think through it, comprehend it, meditate on it and think about what God is wanting to teach you about Him and you. Now let this time lead you into prayer—praising Him and asking for his help. This doesn’t have to be a long prayer. Remember you are starting small.
Step #5: Savor the Impact
Sit back and see the emotional and practical impact that this new habit has had on your life. If you see or feel impact and steady progress, you will want to add to the time spent on the read/meditate/pray habit. Caution: enthusiastic clients have struggled if they expanded their time too much and too early before the “habit” was truly a habit.
That's it! You can start your habit formation in as little as 10 minutes. God can certainly have an impact on you if you are in His Word a short time, but you will ultimately thirst for more. The goal is to be growing in the knowledge of God's Word and connecting with Him daily, but we all must start somewhere. Are you ready to start tomorrow?
The Unstatus Your Quo® Growth Plan helps Christians clarify their purpose and take action to fulfill that purpose. To learn more, click here.