One Simple Action That Boosts My Marriage Daily! You Can Do It!

christ-centered gods plan love marriage relationships Jan 30, 2020

Simple Action That Boosts My Marriage Daily! You Can Do It!


OK Guys. Here is a Super Tool to Deepen Your Marital Relationship

Look around. Don’t let your wife know that you are reading this blog. I want you to get all the credit for coming up with this simple activity to deepen your relationship. It’s “G Rated” and guaranteed to help you. She’ll love it, and it will become a habit very quickly because of the spiritual and emotional impact it will have on both of you. It is also God glorifying and something you’ll wonder why you have not thought of before. Ready? Let’s get started. 


Your Motives & Intentions 

Before we get into the powerful secret formula, we need to talk about motives. If your motives are not pure, this action could be harmful, if not sinful. Your motives should be to show your wife such love that she can see Christ in you. While the action may be a little tough for you at first, you will remain inspired to do so because of your love for Jesus because of the love He showed you on the Cross – that is if you are in real relationship with Christ.



You are going to have to lead in vulnerability for this Marriage Booster to have full impact. You will need to be more aware of your day, her day, your feelings (yes, man up here), and what may be on your wife’s mind. After all, she’s probably been telling you all this stuff already, but you can show that you have heard her. You may have done a version of this with the Lord in your morning quiet time, so you should have some practice with it already.


Here It Is

When you and your wife get into bed, before you turn on the TV or check out your phone or start reading a book, pray with your wife. You can start off with short prayers until it becomes a habit, but you will find, if done properly and with good intentions, this behavior change will become a habit very quickly.


How Not to Do It and How to Do It

Don’t pray things like, “Lord, if you could just stop my wife from doing (fill in the blank), our marriage would be so much better.” Or “I put my smelly running shoes she had been complaining about for two weeks in the washing machine, and she didn’t even notice. Please help her see all the wonderful things that I do.”


Pray with specifics about your gratitude for the Lord, your spouse, and events of the day. Pray for your marriage as two who have become one blessed by Him. Pray for family members who may be struggling. Pray like a child before your Father. Even pray to Him in front of her about a fear that you may have to which you have not admitted and ask for his guidance and to give you wisdom. Pray vulnerably, thoughtfully, and lovingly.

You can try the Acrostic: PRAY. P is for praise to the King of all kings, Creator of the Heaven and earth. R is for repentance. This one may be a bit harder to do together, but it is needed at night or other times. A is for asking for things like wisdom, peace, safety, greater insight into the Word, etc. Last is Y for yield. Lean on Him. Trust in Him. State how you need Him.

Each night should be different. Don’t get into a “same old, same old” routine. Nancy and I shift who leads, but lately she has led because she has had more to say. Sometimes, only one of us prays. Sometimes, it is long because both of us have a lot to say and talk to God about.


Benefits to Your Marriage

There are two big ones. First, you are praying to God to help your marriage and everything else for which you are praying. Even if you have been praying about your marriage by yourself during the day, for example, doing so out loud with your spouse will be even more meaningful.


The second one is that I absolutely love to hear what is on my wife’s heart and what I had not been sensitive to or heard before. I’ve gotten to know Nancy more deeply, what she values, the far reaches of her generous heart, and so much more. I know more about how I can serve her, support her, make her laugh, and comfort her.


Try this behavior change and let us know what impact it had on you and your wife. We look forward to hearing from you. If you are a wife reading this far, how’d I do?


Charlie Haines

[email protected]

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