A Life Not Rushed
Mar 27, 2019![](https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/blogs/3146/images/5MnR7x8rTcS3X2GbN9U7_shutterstock_1245112726.png)
Do you rush through life? Do you find yourself operating at a frantic pace or maybe even an unsustainable pace? Are you even rushing through this post about rushing?
This may or may not be you, but it is definitely me. As I mentioned from the blog last week, I can be known as a speedster, but while reading Donald Whitney’s book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life last week I came across a quote that stopped me in my tracks. Speaking of Jesus, he writes, "He never used an hour uselessly, yet we never read of Him acting rushed." Let that sink in for a moment as I did last week. Jesus lived the most purposeful life ever lived and at the same time was never rushed. I began asking myself… Why do I tend to live a life that is so rushed all the time? Here are some reasons for why you and I may constantly be rushed.
Reason #1: We Want to Look Important
I really have no idea who decided that we look more important when we run around like crazy all the time. Who cares if you or I can handle more than someone else? We are not important because of how much we can do.
Reason #2: We Want to Be in Control
This is one that describes me quite a bit. I will just come out and say it… I want to be in control! I am a perfectionist, and sometimes that shows itself in a lack of trust in God and others. So often we can rush through life and run around frantic because we want to have control over every little thing. Instead of delegating, just not doing certain things, or just trusting Him and His timing, we seek to control everything.
Reason #3: We Want to Do More
For many of us, we want to do more than we are meant to handle. Sometimes, that is because we want to look important as I mentioned above. Other times, it is because we want to do more out of a good heart. We want to help others, and we want to go over and above. However, because of our failure to prioritize or say “no,” we end up moving at a frantic pace.
Reason #4: We Want to Avoid Silence
Rushing through life can also be a way for us to avoid reality altogether. If we are constantly going and doing, we don’t have the time to sit back and really analyze our lives or deal with our struggles, failures or fears. Technology is helpful with avoiding silence, and that leads to Reason #5.
Reason #5: Technology Controls Us
I gave the example above about how Jesus was never rushed, and some of you may be thinking the same thing I did… If I could live on earth when Jesus was on earth, then I wouldn’t be rushed either. There is some truth to that. We live in the most fast-paced and distracted time in the world’s history. However, that cannot be our excuse. 2 Corinthians 5:14 speaks of how the love of Christ compels or controls us. Technology is not meant to control and mesmerize us, but to be used only in purposeful ways that help us glorify God.
So those five are some of the reasons for this rushed lifestyle, but what about solutions? How do we stop living this way? Here are some tips for slowing down and not living a rushed life.
Tip #1: Pray More and Listen
Do you talk to God? Does He talk back? In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul says to “Pray without ceasing.” It is in prayer that we communicate with our Maker and Savior. It is in prayer that we slow down and submit to God’s agenda and not our own. It is in prayer that we rest on the promises of God. It is in prayer that we receive comfort from the Comforter, rest from the Restorer, peace from the Prince of Peace, and so much more. If you tend to live a rushed life like myself, my guess is that your prayer life may struggle. Prayer is not about throwing up a few thoughts to God. It is involves speaking, but also sitting, waiting and listening to the still small voice of God. If you are struggling to pray, start small with short prayers at consistent times and grow from there.
Tip #2: Walk More Slowly
As God has revealed my unsustainable pace to me, I have noticed how fast I walk. I am constantly trying to squeeze every second out of what I am currently doing and then speed walk to what is next. Walking slowly helps me rest, breathe, notice God and others. Try it for yourself.
Tip #3: Speak to Everyone You Encounter and Listen
A fast-paced life rarely leaves space for relationships. We can rush from task to task and place to place and not notice or acknowledge others. What if we changed that? What if you decided to interact with every person you encounter? That even includes elevator rides at work, the teenager bagging your groceries, and the person at the drive thru. What if Christians were known for investing in relationships? Look back to the title of Tip #3… make sure to “Listen!” Don’t just speak, slow down and care.
Tip #4: Use Your Phone Less
Do you want to slow down? Simple… spend less time on your phone. Ask yourself when grabbing the phone, “Is what I am about to do going to glorify God?” or “Am I going to use any of the information I am about to read?” If the answer to either is “no,” then try doing something else.
Tip #5: Plan and Prioritize
If you struggle like me and find yourself rushing, then one of your biggest problems is prioritizing the right things. You have made too many things important. Take time each day to stop and plan out priorities for the next day. For my job, I like to approach each day with three things that I must get done. Everything else takes a backseat. What are your priorities?
Rushing through life kills our relationship with God and others, it kills our ability to think and feel properly, and it kills our physical bodies. When speaking to my colleague Charlie about this topic he said, “It makes sense that we are to not live a rushed life. As Christians, we are to live lives that are attractive to the world. Who wants the life of someone running frantically through life?” Well said!
Are you living a rushed life? Are you going to take time to change? Do people look at your life and want it? I am compelled that I must change. Come join me.
Need help taking small steps towards living a less frantic life and prioritizing? The Unstatus Your Quo® Growth Plan helps Christians clarify their purpose and take small steps to fulfill that purpose! Start Session #1 for FREE by clicking HERE.