I Spent 30+ Years in the Wrong Career! You Headed That Way?

Dec 12, 2019


Wealth Management Was Not Where I Should Have Been?!

In order to be a consultant proficient in the career assessment science that we use, I had to go through it as a client. At the end of the Training Program, I was sitting in an office with my mentor about ready to start. I was a bit uneasy but anxious to see the results. First, however, she interviewed me about my background, education, messages from parents about careers, best and worst jobs, and finally my overall career.

Next, she led me through the very illuminating 33-page report with assessments on my personality, interests, skills, and three categories of values. What it revealed floored me – but ultimately made a lot of sense. The results have helped lead me to an amazing change in my life, much more fulfillment, and a deeper relationship with the Lord. Read on…



I spent 30+ years in the Wealth Management industry. I was able to serve and guide people in their lives through the lens of money since it touches so many parts of our lives. It was fun to dig underneath the money for the real issues in peoples’ lives and where fights and dreams about money came from. I made a good living and was able to have an impact on the industry. It was also fun to help install a Biblically Wise Portfolio so Christians could align their money with their values.

I met and worked with some amazing people for which I will always be grateful. I saw clients’ lives changed and received expressions of gratitude. The highs were good, but not everlasting. However, there was still something that was bothering me. I had a hole in my life that no number of accolades, amount of publicity, or other adrenalin-producing experiences could fill.


The Results (ta-da)

So, what did the assessment say about the best career for me? Well, it said that the 7th to 9th career I should investigate was wealth management!!!!!!!!!!! I had spent 33 years in this field, and the assessment was telling me that I was much better suited and would be much more satisfied in another field!!! Where was this career assessment when I needed clear direction 30 years ago?

What was that ideal career field? It was coaching/counseling with religion as a major component of what I would use to help people. It all made sense. I had worn out my former staff by integrating psychology and money for 25 years and couldn’t understand why they weren’t as excited about it as I was. I was much more interested in the issues underneath the money than to help with the money, so counseling helped here. The money issues, on the other hand, were easy relatively speaking. However, I was more of a counselor and willing to go deeply with the clients whereas the typical wealth manager was more about the numbers and forecasting the client’s life financially.


The Good News

I had stumbled into the ideal career while practicing or pretending to be a wealth advisor. I had been using earlier and less sophisticated tools than we use today in the name of helping clients. I had been testing and doing research on my new career and didn’t even know it. The research and testing results are helping clients today in impactful and everlasting ways. Even the eight pastors who have been through the process have reported growth and change in themselves. What is now called the Unstatus Your Quo® Career Plan works! Also, and personally, I have never been more fulfilled in my life because my work is having an impact! Yours can, too.

If you are interested in learning more about what careers are out there that would suit you better given how God has designed you, check out the Career Plan. Come join those of us who can’t imagine doing anything more fulfilling than we are doing now.

Charlie Haines


Per research, 89% of Practicing Christians lack clarity of purpose. Our solutions help clarify your purpose & fulfill it thru personalized career and growth plans so you can enjoy a meaningful life.